
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

DI 8 - Using Sketches to show concept

Alright...time to hand up my assignment again heehee....

Anyways, I've read this article called - as the title suggests - "Using Sketches to show concept".

To summarise the whole article:
  1. It suggests people to use sketches to show the concept that they are trying to bring across.
  • Doing this saves hours of misdirected work + efficiently and quickly communicates an idea to members of the creative team.
  • A rough sketch not only brings your concept across to others, it also sends out messages that tells what kind of person you are and your attitude towards your work/concept.
  • It can show your thought/design process (how you came up with your idea/ final concept)
  • Impress/differentiate yourself from the rest by using the traditional way (ironic as it may sound) - in this era where you can easily plonk in a design/picture/idea downloaded somewhere from the internet, TRADITIONAL hand-drawn sketches that came originally from your brain is PRICELESS.
  • To emphasize the previous point again : UNIQUE AND PERSONAL solutions is key!!! =D
  • And last but not least, a well-documented design process = good grades in your degree.

2. As essential and useful it is for a skill in public speaking, rapid visualization also helps in getting your ideas across. Another similarity between the two - It can be developed with practice. (As what the old saying goes "Practice makes perfect" =D)

After reading this, I finally understand why ms nga made us do so much more work like showing our design development process... Although VERY reluctant and lazy, I'll try to do more of it then :)

Here are the resolutions I came up with after reading this article:

  1. practice, Practice, PRACTICE!!! (FYI, I meant practice how to efficiently express my ideas and concept through my sketches)
  2. Be confident in myself (as well as in my drawings/sketches/drawing abilities) - try not to show that I'm self-concious about sketching.
  3. My sketchbook = my portfolio. Ensure that it is appropraite and impressive.
  4. Keep experimenting through sketching (along with my usual brainstorming/research etc.)
  5. do, Do, DO!!!

Yeap and thats 'bout it :D

Tata and have a nice day!!! (while I go and ENJOY doing my assignments. Busy week ahead. tsk tsk)

PS: Here's a tip adapted from the same article: To draw a line that looks the straightest possible, make the beginning strong and ending strong and crisp, and let the middle of the line fade out a little. The eye and mind will conceptualize it to be straighter than anything else you can draw with a pencil. =D

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