
Sunday, November 8, 2009

(DI 3)

Anyway, had our third Design and Illustration lesson class yesterday. Ms Nga showed us some heartwarming "Hallmark" TVCs (that I think would have brought my mother to tears - she has a softspot on all these family/children bonding thing.

I think they were very powerful, as it etches an emotion in me, which makes me remember it even though I've watched it only once. Nowadays, all we have on TV are the creative (and sometimes nonsensical) ads that just brings out a laugh in us and then we'll quickly forget them/ or the messages they were trying to bring across to us(some I couldn't even decipher). It is hard to find classic ones like these that are timeless.

Anyway Ms Nga also showed us some unique print ads that brought across a simple message in each one. She also introduced something new to us (SHRED)- Science, Huh? (Yes! it is what it is!!!), Response, Emotion and Deconstruct the Ad. We also learnt this 4 important factors to plan for : Audience, Purpose, Message and Execution.

Then we had to design our own advertisement for our products, mine's the Energy booster "Nutty/Crit Crack" Peanut Butter bar of course :D Had fun playing around with ideas as well as Photoshop,Illustrator (if you believe :P)and Paint etc...
Due next lesson.

Lessons have been fun so far...I getting to like all these designing for ads stuff now... and photoshop doesn't seem as irritating as it was last year during Design Basics. No regrets choosing this elective. (Especially after hearing what the rest were doing in the other electives heeeheee :D)

Yea, that's about it... Cya soon
Cam Cam :)

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